"Blessed is he who hath pity on the poor."

Set months before the Second Plague Epidemic of France, as a Plague Doctor, you are tasked by a town's administration to assist with their sick. Upon arrival, you find they are using the town's church as a Medical Clinic. You are faced with the physical manifestation of the plague, formidable and facetious, they challenge you to play them at their card game. During the day you gamble for the lives of the villagers and must spend your resources to develop your card deck. By night, the Plague challenges you to an unforgiving duel, and the cost of victory weighed against the village's survival.

Fight the plague

The Plague is a formidable and self-serving entity that has trapped you in a battle for your patients lives and deaths.

Build Your Deck

Get a array of medical ingredients and procedures in the form of cards to fight against the plague.

Make the mostost of your new office

The town has provided you a place to heal their sick- a church on the outskirts of the city. What may lay within it is only for you to find out.

save or end lives

Save your patients and get rewards!

Play for lives in a deadly card game against the Black Death, where every move holds the fate of the afflicted in your hands.

hello world

We are a small Melbourne-based group of game design students that decided to turn our university project into a full game release!


Art Director • Game Designer



3D Artist • UI Designer

3D/2D Artist and Steamer




Mustard Cat

VFX Artist

VFX Artist

Charlie Wilde

Audio Lead • Composer

Singer songwriter


Creative Director • Game Writer

Creative Director • Game Writer



AHIT modder, 3D artist and gamedev

Development showcase

Take a peek at some of our development!

Old Concept art

Dev Screenshots